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Article Political Parties as Subjects of Electoral Process
Authors Bogasheva N.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2013
Pages 114 - 121
Annotation The role of political party as a subject of electoral process is considered. It is shown that partisan nomination mechanism does not restrict the passive electoral right of non-partisan citizens. At the same time it is stressed that political parties should not monopolize realization of the right to nominate candidates. The specific features of partisan nomination mechanism on local elections are pointed out. The problem is posed concerning the subject of candidate nomination on local elections — political party or local party organization. It is stressed that electoral legal capacity of political parties must also foresee real ability of political party to realize corresponding authorities. The necessity is shown of state recognition of both the political party itself (its registration) and of leadership composition of party and its local organizations.
Keywords elections, electoral legislation, political party, local organization of political party, subject of electoral process, nomination of candidates.
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