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Article The Problems of Conflict Regulation of Family and Marriage in the Private International Law
Authors Kalakura V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2013
Pages 145 - 153
Annotation This article is devoted to the study and analysis of the problems of conflict regulation of family relations in private international law. On the basis of the study of material-legal regulation of family relations in legislation of different countries, the author defines the principal existing conflict-of-laws issues in this area. The article explores the conflict of law problems of legal regulation of marriage, the legal consequences of marriage. The features of the application of conflict formulas and attach lex personalis and lex loci celebrationis. The author analyzes the conflict-of-laws principles regulating family relations, their interaction. The author is concerning certain problems of application of the conflict rules in the regulation of international family relations. In the focus of the author's analysis is the Law of Ukraine «On international private law», foreign laws and international treaties. The author identifies ways for further improvements of conflict regulation of family relations.
Keywords conflict rules, conflict regulation, family, family relations, marriage, private international law.
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