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Article Judicial Law Concept in the Context of Judicial Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms
Authors Loboiko L., Shylo O.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2015
Pages 60 - 70
Annotation The article describes controversial issues of judicial law with the basis of judicial protection of human rights and freedoms. The judicial law is considered not to be the branch of law since it has no specific subject of legal regulation. The normative and practical value of the judicial law concept is examined as the source of new scientific knowledge on convergence of theoretical and harmonization of normative provisions of proceedings. Given the analysis of the mechanism of implementation of the right to defence, the harmonization of legal model of interbranch legal institutions regulating uniform legal relations is suggested.
Keywords judicial law concept, proceedings, legal defence, justice, harmonization of Legislation
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