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Article Islamic Beliefs and Value of Human Rights: Possible Coexistence
Authors Lukianov D.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2015
Pages 73 - 80
Annotation Possible models of legal regulation that can provide balance between the recognized European values and Islam-based religious beliefs are studied in the article. Originally, regulation of social relations in Western societies is based on non-religious, secular principles. Under present-day conditions unacceptability of both extremes is becoming increasingly apparent: dialog only in «the language of religion» (a typical theocratic model) as well as exclusively secular, official communication (a secular model). Both models equally ignore pluralism typical in multicultural societies. A truly free political communication implies the opportunity for all religions and views (not contradicting basic human rights) to present their beliefs in public debate. Otherwise, the society is unable to be multicultural because it lacks open and equal discussion of thorny issues. Thus, it leads to decrease in value of deliberative democracy.
Keywords human rights, Islam, religious legal system, secular law, principle of neutrality, multicultural society.
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