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Article On the Subject of the Constitutional Law Sociology
Authors Dzhun V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2013
Pages 194 - 202
Annotation The backward glance on social and political preconditions for the formation of constitutional law sociology as a separate branch of social science is stated in the article. The phenomenon of constitutional law realityis suggested as the subject of the constitutional law sociology. The attention is paid to the distinction of subjects of the constitutional law sociology and constitutional law theory in connection with various approaches of these branches of the constitutional law science to the study of researchobjects. The subjects of the constitutional law sociology, political sociology and political science are differentiated. Structure of the political reality components is examinedand general approaches to their cognition are suggested. The emphasis is made on scientific necessity and significance to investigate the constitutional law sociology as the separate branch of the constitutional law science.
Keywords subject of the constitutional law sociology, constitutional law science, constitutional law theory, political sociology, political science, constitutional law reality.
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