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Article Issues of Delimitation of Property Crimes and Crimes Against the Environment
Authors Panov M., Oliinyk P.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2014
Pages 291 - 299
Annotation The article deals with controversial issues of delimitation of adjacent property crimes and crimes against the environment. It is stated that in the content of the qualification procedure, first of all, should be considered and installed signs, differences that these crimes differ among themselves and indicate their specific (individual) traits and qualities, and on this basis to distinguish between them. The object and subject of the crime are major among stated above signs. The dominant approach in the delimitation of property crimes from crimes against the environment based on the subject of crime is the concept of labor contribution of man to the creation of these subjects in the process of material goods production. The author suggested making amendments to existing criminal legislation in order of de lege ferenda.
Keywords crimes against property, crimes against the environment, delimitation of crimes, subject and object of the crime.
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