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Article Legal Position as a Form of Concretization of Principles of Law («Visual» Interpretation)
Authors Bocharov D.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2017
Pages 20 - 29

Article offers to review the phenomenon of legal position through the prism of principles implementation in legal regulation. Principles of law are interpreted as values, which constitute the horizon of understanding in situations that require legal evaluation. Legal position at such approach acts as the form of situational objectivities and concretization of principles in the conditions of legal uncertainties. With usage of phenomenological methodological instruments there is connected the perception of legal position as specific vision-understanding assuming legal evaluation of the situation and formation of corresponding senses and meanings. Marked are factors, which affect transformation of variable legal meaning as well as form such property of legal positions as normativity. On the whole the research is held in phenomenological key with necessary detailing and deviations.

Keywords legal position, principles of law, vision, meaning, sense, apperception, concretization
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