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Article Moral Qualities and Professional Suitability to Become a Judge
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2023
Pages 122 - 132

The article examines issues of competence, integrity, moral and ethical aspect of the judicial office, criteria used to in selection of candidates for judicial office. An analysis of improving the procedures for appointing a judge to a position was carried out.

The relevance of the issue of the moral and ethical aspects of the judge’s status is beyond doubt, not only Ukrainian practicing lawyers and scientists, but also the international community pay attention to this issue.

The purpose of the article is to examine the importance and relevance of the research on the legislative implementation of the moral and ethical principles of the judges’ professional activity while ensuring development of effective, independent judicial profession in Ukraine and observance of high standards of conduct by judges. Legislative determination of general criteria of integrity and unified approaches on their definition and moral basis of judicial office. Attention is focused on the need for judges to observe high standards of behavior to increase public trust in each specific judge and the judiciary.

 The author concludes that comprehensive research on the issue of the effectiveness of the judicial profession in Ukraine is appropriate, given the fact that a judge is primarily a person who is in a certain space and time, who is influenced, in particular, by both social and financial factors.

 Legislative determination of general criteria of integrity and unified approaches on their definition and moral basis of judicial office along with clear professional requirements for candidates for judicial office and judges will allow the restoration of public trust in the judiciary in general and in each judge individually.

The degree of people’s trust in the government determines the level of society’s democratization, its attitude towards such concepts as patriotism, loyalty, unity around common national ideas and goals, the aspiration to build a democratic and law-governed state which is able to guarantee the wellbeing and prosperity of its citizens.


Keywords judicial authority; judge; professional suitability; moral; integrity; judicial independence


Authored books

1. Koni A, Ugolovnyj process: nravstvennye nachala (Sovremennyj gumanitarnyj institut 2000) (in Russian).

2. Leko B, Yurydychna etyka: navchalnyi posibnyk (Knyhy-XXI 2008) (in Ukrainian).

3. Shepitko V, Psykholohiia sudovoi diialnosti: navchalnyi posibnyk (Pravo 2006) (in Ukrainian).

4. Shevchuk S, Sudova pravotvorchist: svitovyi dosvid i perspektyvy v Ukraini (2-he vyd, Referat 2010) (in Ukrainian).

5. Shyshkin V, Sudovi systemy krain svitu: navchalnyi posibnyk, kn 1 (Iurinkom Inter 2001) (in Ukrainian).


Edited books

6. Aver’ianov V (red), Prava hromadian u sferi vykonavchoi vlady: administratyvno-pravove zabezpechennia realizatsii ta zakhystu (Naukova dumka 2007) (in Ukrainian).

7. Bjerres R, Dokumenty Amerikanskoj Revoljucii: Deklaracija nezavisimosti, Konstitucija Soedinennyh Shtatov, Bill’ o pravah (per s angl, Al’ba 1994) (in Russian).

8. Profesiina oriientatsiia: pidruchnyk (Ihnatovych O red, Imeks-LTD 2014) (in Ukrainian).


Journal articles

9. Prytyka D, ‘Sudova nezalezhnist: etyka i problemy koruptsii’ (2000) 6 Pravo Ukrainy 5 (in Ukrainian).

10. Yehorova V, ‘Deiakii porivnialnyi dosvid formuvannia suddivskoho korpusu Ukrainy i zarubizhnykh krain’ [2010] 2 (6) Visnyk NTUU “KPI”. Politolohiia. Sotsiolohiia. Pravo: zbirnyk naukovykh prats 108 (in Ukrainian).




11. Hryniuk V, ‘Pryntsypy nezalezhnosti suddiv i pidkorennia yikh tilky zakonu’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2004) (in Ukrainian).

12. Skomorokha L, ‘Konstytutsiino-pravovi aspekty formuvannia profesiinoho suddivskoho korpusu v Ukraini: sutnist, mekhanizm realizatsii’ (dys kand yuryd nauk, 2010) 150 (in Ukrainian). Websites 13. Pravyla etychnoi povedinky derzhavnykh sluzhbovtsiv (dosvid krain Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu ta SShA) Informatsiina dovidka, pidhotovlena Yevropeiskym informatsiino-doslidnytskym tsentrom na zapyt Komitetu Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy < uploads/documents/29069.pdf> (accessed: 01.12.2023) (in Ukrainian).

14. Stosovno zvitu Vyshchoi kvalifikatsiinoi komisii suddiv Ukrainy za 2022 rik (13.01.2023) <> (accessed: 18.12.2023) (in Ukrainian).


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