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Article The Subjeсt of Сomparative Jurisprudence and Subject Genesis of Comparative-Legal Elements
Authors Egorov A.
Name of magazine Scientific-practical professional journal «Comparative Law»
(Ukrainian language)
Issue 1-2 / 2012
Pages 70 - 77
Annotation Compound elements of genesis of the legal elements subject to comparison and forming a subject of comparative jurisprudence are considered: occurrence, functioning and development of foreign legal objects. The approach of definition of generality of legal objects genesis is argued, on the basis of what as a subject of comparative jurisprudence it is offered to consider only general, typical, steadiest regularities of occurrence, functioning and development of legal components of foreign character, that belong to different legal systems and law families, is proposed.
Keywords a comparative-legal science, comparison, objects of comparative jurisprudence, a subject of legal comparativistics, legal system.
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