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Article Synergetics Methodological Guidelines in Comparative-Legal Studies. Possibilities and Limits of Using
Authors Dorzhiev J.
Name of magazine Scientific-practical professional journal «Comparative Law»
(Ukrainian language)
Issue 1-2 / 2012
Pages 243 - 250
Annotation The article proposes to discuss the problem of comparability of state and legal institutions from the standpoint of the theory of self-organization on the basis of distinguishing between political and legal institutions with organizational and self-organizational nature. Argued that it is necessary when comparing these institutions to take into account the phase of the ethnic development of society, which allows a deeper understanding of the fundamental properties of social processes than on the basis of the category of nation-state. It is concluded that the compared phenomenas must conform to the criteria of similarity and comparability selected on the basis of the theory of self-organization. It is assumed that all mentioned determines the subject area of comparative jurisprudence and comparative state studies, distinguishing them, thus, in independent scientific directions.
Keywords synergetic methodology, the phase of ethnogenesis, the stereotype of behavior, the comparability of the political and legal institutions, self-organizing and organizing social processes, the criterion of comparability, comparative synergetic approach.
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