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Article Rule-of-Law State and the Factors of its Development in Comparative Jurisprudence Dimensions
Authors Lafitskyi V.
Name of magazine Scientific-practical professional journal «Comparative Law»
(Ukrainian language)
Issue 1-2 / 2013
Pages 435 - 449

In the paper the trends and challenges of modern legal development, caused by the expansion of the field and mobility of the boundaries of the legal regulation, a broader mix of legal and non-legal regulators, the emergence of new structural elements, «technocratization» of law, that deprives it of accessibility features in the age of modern information technologies are analyzed.

The mechanisms of the interaction of a single legal space and legal communities, united by common religious and ethical-legal views (Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Confucian and others) are considered. The influence on the legal development of national legal traditions, other factors, including economic and social is observed. Special attention is paid to Slavic law as an independent legal family.

Keywords rule-of-law state, comparative law, comparative jurisprudence, legal communities, legal families, national legal systems, legal traditions, legal space, «technocratization» of law.
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