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Article Crimes Encroaching on the Procedural Rights and Interests of the Suspect or the Accused in the System of Crimes against Justice
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2018
Pages 210 - 228

The doctrine of criminal law of Ukraine has always paid much attention to researching the crimes against justice. At the same time, criminal law is subject to regular updates in respect of establishing the liability for crimes against justice, and this sets the task of outlining the system of a respective group of encroachments taking into account all of the realities of modern legislation. Furthermore, for us the outlined system of crimes against justice would be only the first step in elucidating such an issue as the scene of crimes encroaching on the procedural rights and interests of the suspect and the accused in the relevant system. The purpose of the article is to outline the system of crimes against justice. For this purpose, the following questions are raised: a) has the group of the crimes provided for by Articles 371–375 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – the CC of Ukraine) been marked out from among other encroachments on justice?; b) if “Yes” – on what basis (the specifics of the object of crime, the victim, the subject etc.), and what was the name of such a group?; c) if the above-mentioned encroachments have not been considered as a separate group, which groups were the crimes provided for by Articles 371–375 of the CC of Ukraine (or those which corresponded to the ones mentioned in the Criminal Code of Ukraine of 1960) referred to? Therefore, the issue of classification of crimes against justice is still topical. In the Criminal Code of Ukraine, liability for crimes against justice is regulated by Section XVIII of the Special Part containing 33 articles which have common (general) features as well as differences. This is explained, in particular, by the fact that different social values are taken under protection by this Section. There are different classifications of crimes against justice. The article supports the approach according to which the classification is made based on the object of crime. An analysis of scientific literature suggests that the crimes provided for by Articles 371–375 of the CC of Ukraine in the system of crimes against justice were singled out at the doctrinal level only when crimes against justice were classified on the basis of the subject of crime. At the same time, the procedural rights of the suspect or the accused should be considered in criminal law as a comprehensive and meaningfully integrated object protected under criminal law which is encroached upon by the crimes provided for by Articles 371–375 of the CC of Ukraine. Therefore, in the author’s opinion, when classifying the crimes against justice based on the object of crime, it would be expedient to single out the group of encroachments provided for by Articles 371–375 of the CC of Ukraine; the name of this group could be “the crimes encroaching on the procedural rights and interests of the suspect, the accused”.


Keywords criminal law; justice; crimes against justice; classification of crimes; group of crimes against justice

List of legal documents 

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Authored books 
7. Bazhanov M, Zlochyny proty pravosuddia: konspekt lektsii [Crimes Against Justice: A Synopsis of Lectures] (Nats yuryd akad Ukrainy 1996) (in Ukrainian). 
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Edited books 
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Journal articles 
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Thesis abstracts 
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